Many are those who have lived marvelous lives and they did it by building their lives thought by thought and action and by action.
In the words of Marcus Aurelius, you were born not to lay under your pillow but to get up and do what you were made to do. Action by action, you can turn into a different human being unrecognizable to yourself and those around you.
If you want to become great, here are 3 extraordinary individuals who can help you brighten your future life.
Learn more and become the best version of yourself.
Let’s get started!
David Goggins
David Googins is a sensational fellow.
Watching him do his thing even through a video format can inspire you to drastically change your mindset about how the world works. He came from numerous struggles and has managed to churn his way through all the difficulties to a life of success. He is one of the few real inspirational speakers of this world. Unlike the fake gurus who just talk the talk and shun the practicality of life.
In simple terms, he is a doer. He is fond of filming himself during his workout sessions and you can see from his demeanor that this guy has heart. He has also done more with his life than thousands of people combined.
Among the things he has accomplished, the one that fascinates me the most is his habit of jogging every day. He has performed this habit for more than six years straight with only like three to six days off due to uncontrollable circumstances.
Here are a few of his incredible feats.
- Has jogged every day for the last six years.
- 4030 pull-ups in 24 hours and broke a world record.
- He completed a 100-mile race in less than 24 hours
- Finally, he has a mind of steel to do what he does on a consistent basis.
The major lesson you can extract from his lifestyle is that irrespective of your struggles, you must always hold yourself accountable for your actions and inactions.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
Mr. Huberman is a neuroscientist who studies the physics of human biology. He knows a lot about how the brain works and shares his thoughts, insights, and ideas with others.
He uses his YouTube channel as a medium to communicate complex ideas in simple terms.
Through his ideas, many have come to change their lifestyles in terms of how they learn, their sleep patterns, and their exercise habits.
He even talks about the topic of relationships which can help you become more intentional in how you relate with others. As human beings, we need social interaction in order to live a good life.
If you want to learn more from him, check his YouTube Channel or his official website at
This fellow has almost 200 million subscribers on his personal YouTube channel and millions more on other channels he owns. If that is not an inspiration, I don’t what is.
To make a long story short, he started small and built his multimillion-dollar empire from scratch. Initially, he had less than 100 subscribers but through trial and error over the years he built a measly channel into the behemoth you see today.
If you can relate, this guy unknowingly applied the concept of atomic habits before the book was published by James Clear. Slowly but surely brick by brick he tirelessly learned how to keep the attention of his viewers and constructed an online asset worth billions of dollars. He gained momentum by doing and by doing he became successful.
He will help you understand the concept of consistency and perseverance. Although he failed a lot, he struggled and came out successful.
If you want to achieve more in life even when it doesn’t seem doable, think about him and he will help you battle through it.
The key takeaway from this list is to understand that a life of greatness is minted in the actions you take. Perform the right actions long enough and you will achieve massive results in your life. From their lives, you can extract simple actions that can rub off and you and make you better than yesterday.