When you go through most of the comments on popular YouTube channels owned by names such as Cajun Koi Academy or Ali Abdaal, the most frequent idea that is posted is how to beat procrastination.
It seems to be the number one obstacle blocking the progress of many viewers when learning new skills.
You set a goal but lack the discipline to take consistent daily actions because you procrastinate all day long for months and years.
This is the reason why some people are more successful than others. As we all have 24 hours each day.
The problem is others procrastinate and waste their time while others have found the techniques to battle it on a daily basis.
So, in this article, we will guide you through our framework on how to beat procrastination and master any skill of your choosing.
Related Article: Proven Tricks To Learn Any Skill
7 Simple Strategies To Beat Procrastination On A Daily Basis
Take The Minimum Viable Action
The concept of minimum viable action is about taking the simple actions necessary to attain a particular goal. Actions that might seem laughable.
Instead of complaining over how big a project is, just take the simplest step to get you into the zone of actually performing the task.
For instance, if you set a goal of writing a 2000-word essay and you start procrastinating because of how difficult it seems, just tell yourself to write the first 100 words. Doing so will give your brain the cue to continue performing the task to completion.
This is one of the most consistent frameworks we use to approach all our writing projects.
Stop Making A Big Deal Out Of Things You Need To Do
If you mentally explode a project to seem as if it is too big, boring, or difficult, you will end up procrastinating.
Making a fuss about the tasks you have to perform will cripple you from starting in the first place.
Rather, put on a different helmet and switch your mindset. After all, others are doing similar tasks on a daily basis. Why can’t you perform the same tasks and do other important stuff?
Break Big Projects Into Smaller Tasks
It is the tendency of the human mind to be overwhelmed by the complexity of a project. Maybe you have a goal of writing a novel, starting a website, or becoming a copywriter.
If you ignore the daily simple disciplines or actions you need to realize that goal, you will never reach that goal.
You need to set a goal and break it apart into simple actions or micro projects so that you can consistently make progress towards the bigger project.
This is why writing a simple blog post should be broken apart into six or seven steps. If not, you will be overwhelmed and end up procrastinating.
So, before attacking a project look for the granular tasks and attack them instead. You will overcome procrastination at every turn because the tasks will be so small it will be silly to avoid doing them.
Develop The Clarity You Need To Tackle The Task
Without clarity on the task at hand, your mind will procrastinate easily. Your mind has no context and will soon experience boredom.
To cure this, start by asking why you need to do this particular project. You will start developing the urgency to complete tasks on a daily basis.
Set Clear Deadlines For Your Project
If you set clear deadlines for your project, you set a structure and a timeline for completing any task.
According to research studies, ignoring deadlines leads to high levels of procrastination since you end up putting projects off at other times. However, if you have a set date for your tasks, you will be forced to finish it as soon as possible.
You need to also set reasonable timelines to reduce the need to procrastinate.
Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the amount of time apportioned to it.
If you set long deadlines, you will be forced to finish at that time. However, if your deadlines that are reasonable enough, you will finish your tasks quickly and easily.
Focus On Fishing The Tasks As Quickly As Possible
Most people make the mistake of trying to perfect their projects on the first try. They focus on several aspects of the project which can quickly overwhelm you.
If for instance, you are writing a book, focus on completing a first draft and then do any revisions. Trying to write and correct grammar and spelling errors can quickly sum up and lead to overwhelm.
Just focus on producing and when you are done you will have the mental clarity and freedom to make corrections as much as you want.
What is important is you have a finished piece to clean up.
Optimize Your Work Environment
The more cluttered your work environment is the more opportunities you have to be distracted.
Finding the time to clean up your environment will help you reduce the chance of you ignoring your tasks.
Start by taking atomic steps to organize your workspace and make it easy to focus on the work at hand.
Additionally, reduce social media distractions by reducing the amount tabs you have opened on your browser. In fact, if you need to do any research that requires the internet, set schedules and focus your mind on the exact website you need for your project.
You can also use anti-distractions to block distractions from irrelevant sites.
We hope you love this article on how to conquer procrastination. Start learning new hobbies and skills using the anti-procrastination techniques we have presented here.
- https://www.breakthetwitch.com/minimally-viable-action/
- https://www.eficode.com/blog/minimum-viable-action-how-to-advance-things-that-are-stuck
- https://medium.com/@amirabdmtr/minimum-viable-action-take-the-first-simple-step-966e53a2ce0
- https://www.mindtools.com/a8im0bj/how-to-meet-a-deadline