As individuals, we need to make lots of decisions in our day job. We are required to perform simple and complex tasks which require unwavering focus.
To achieve this feat, you need to start bullet journaling for work.
With this system, you can become a productive machine getting more done in less time and with better quality than your co-workers.
If you ignore this system, your mind will start wavering around with nothing to strictly focus on. That is what this strategy seeks to solve in your life.
So, in this article, we will go through a step-by-step process on how to start a bullet journal so you can achieve your professional goals with ease.
What Is Bullet Journaling
Bullet Journaling is a system that gives structure to the everyday mess we face. You can use it to catalog and design your day, week, and month. No matter the kind of career you are pursuing, a bullet journal is the perfect system for building consistency and momentum in your life.
This incredible method was popularized by Ryder Carrol in his book The Bullet Journal Method. It can be used to keep track of all your thoughts, tasks, and projects.
Use it to properly outline your schedule, manage important projects and keep a keen eye on the tasks and processes you need to perform on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Here is a simple framework to help you get started with bullet journaling.
Get A Good Journal
Obviously, you don’t need a fancy journal to initiate this process.
All you need is a simple diary to pour out your ideas and thoughts.
However, you can get an expensive diary on Amazon or any bookshop in your neighborhood, so you get the best experience with this type of professional journaling.
Here are examples of specific journals you can get on Amazon that can increase your journaling experience.
- Refillable Classic Lined Journal.
- Leuchtturm 1917 A5 Notebook.
Create A List Of Tasks You Need To Perform
You probably know that work comes with lots of duties to perform. After a meeting, there are tasks to implement to achieve a certain goal. It will go into the bullet journal.
Start by building a section within the bullet. After which you will start writing out all the main and sub-tasks that need to be done.
Add a Calendar System To Your Bullet Journal
Goals are best achieved if they are set within specific timelines.
Add the when to the tasks you need to do. It should include the starting and end times.
This will make the tasks easy to do since they are set within a specific time in reality.
Add A Marking Element To Your Journal
Each task should have a check box to indicate completion.
In addition, you can add a color-coding system to help you bring important ideas and tasks to your attention.
This can apply specifically to the dates and time sections in your journal.
This simple trick will help laser focus your mind on the important sections of your mind.
This simple process will revolutionize your career and propel you to greater lengths unimaginable to your mind at the present moment.
If you haven’t journaled before, kickstart the process with our beginner guide to journaling.
- How To Start A Bullet Journal – A Beginner Guide By Claudia Spaurel
- How I Take Professional Notes For Work By JashiiCorrin