In this modern world, having a clear mind can literally make you incredibly successful.
We went through loads of videos and written content online and discovered a 5-step process for solving problems using a journal. The ability to solve problems is a superpower.
So, we want to share that system with you.
If you start using journaling for problems, you will progress faster in your career, your relationships, and life in general.
Unfortunately, most people find it difficult to find solutions to their problems.
Ignoring to follow a process. What they need is an approach to attacking the problem.
You cannot have a successful life without a system for solving problems.
People who start using this process fail due to these simple reasons.
- Lack of consistency.
- Focus on more than one problem.
- Shuns from asking questions.
- Write out vague and unrealistic solutions.
With these setbacks out of the way now let us go through the framework for problem solving using journaling.
Step-By-Step Process On How To Use Journaling For Problem Solving
Start With An Intention
You need a summary statement for your problem. Having one will set the intention for the journaling session. It will give you focus to tackle the task with the least friction.
It will help your brain focus entirely on the task at hand.
Since this will act as the topic of the journaling session, we recommend you spend at least 10 minutes thinking about your problem before writing the sentence.
Related Content: Hobbies To Take Your Focus To The Next Level.
Describe the Problem Both Objectively And Subjectively
Now you have set an intention. What you need to do now is start exploring the details of the problem. First, state objectively what is going on within the context of the problem. For instance, you might start with why questions.
You might ask questions like why am I putting off a particular project. Why do I freeze when I want to start a writing project and many more?
Secondly, start asking and writing subjective statements related to your objective questions.
For example, how do I feel when I put off projects for later? Why am I feeling this way and how can I solve the problem?
Find Good Questions Related To The Problem
You can never have enough questions. The more questions you have the more opportunities for finding solutions to any problem under the sun.
You can find good questions through self-introspection. Use the kaizen approach and ask little questions and slowly build up momentum.
Start Speculating About Possible Solutions To The Problem
Use the questions you have outlined in the second and third steps. Do a brain dump about what you might think might be possible solutions to the problem you have stated.
Don’t judge any idea just vomit it down. Then after, go through and sift them for the best possible ideas that will solve the problem.
Perform A Quick Review Of The Process
You have your questions. You have jotted down possible solutions.
The next thing is to apply it to your problem in the real world.
After which, you will perform an examination of how the process went.
Did the solution work? Did it not? Why did it not work then apply other possible solutions to see which one will work?
This process will go on for every journaling session until it becomes second nature.
Problems are the bane of every industry or career choice. It is in our personal lives as well. You can use this simple system to solve simple and complex problems at every stage of your life.
If you are a beginner to journal, use our guide on how to journal for beginners. It will guide you through the process step-by-step.
- How To Use Journaling For Problem-Solving – Distinctions For Life