Galileo Galilei Quotes
Looking For Wisdom And Inspiration From Galileo Galilei Quotes, Look No Further For Here They Are. Explore And Think On Them And Be Inspired.
Famous Galileo Galilei Quotes
- “Curiosity is the key to problem-solving.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Two truths cannot contradict one another.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Passion is the genesis of genius.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Philosophy [nature] is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes — I mean the universe — but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “…and the Earth, turning upon itself, moves round the Sun.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” ― Galileo Galilei.
Galileo Galilei Quotes About God
- Read some of the thoughts of Galileo Galilei About God And His Nature
- “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I entertain no doubts as to the truth of the transfinites, which I have recognized with God’s help.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- God does not intend to forgo the use of sense, reason, and intellect that he has gifted us, but not to use in a wrong direction and the evil way. God has also enriched the knowledge of the devil that uses in a wrong way.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “The greatness and the glory of God shine forth marvelously in all His works, and is to be read above all in the open book of the heavens.” ― Galileo Galilei.
Inspirational Galileo Galilei Quotes About Science And Life
- To me, a great ineptitude exists on the part of those who would have it that God made the universe more in proportion to the small capacity of their reason than to His immense, His infinite, power.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “He who does not know the truth is only a fool. But he who knows it and calls it a lie is a criminal.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Who would set a limit to the mind of man? Who would dare assert that we know all there is to be known?” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Benevolence should be bronzed and insults thrown to the wind.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Measure what can be measured, and make measurable what cannot be measured.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I know they call a donkey a horse when they want to sell it and a horse a donkey when they want to buy.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I’ve loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “He who understands geometry is able to understand everything in this world.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I value the discovery of a single truth, however insignificant, more highly than the pussyfooting around about the highest questions.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Doubt is the father of invention.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “THERE is certainly something very noble and large-minded in the intention of those who have endeavored to protect from envy the noble achievements of distinguished men, and to rescue their names, worthy of immortality, from oblivion and decay.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “All inconveniences will be removed as you propound them. Up to this point, only the first and most general reasons have been mentioned which render it not entirely improbable that the daily rotation belongs to the earth rather than to the rest of the universe.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Enthusiastic people experience life from the inside out.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- Philosophy is written in this all-encompassing book that is constantly open to our eyes, that is the universe; but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to understand the language and knows the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures; without these it is humanly impossible to understand a word of it, and one wanders in a dark labyrinth.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “The sun, with all the planets revolving around it, and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as though it had nothing else in the universe to do.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “In time you may discover everything that can be discovered, and still your progress will only be progress away from humanity. The distance between you and them can one day become so great that your joyous cry over some new gain could be answered by an universal shriek of horror.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I have been in my bed for five weeks, oppressed with weakness and other infirmities from which my age, seventy-four years, permits me not to hope release. Added to this (proh dolor! [O misery!]) the sight of my right eye — that eye whose labors (dare I say it) have had such glorious results — is forever lost. That of the left, which was and is imperfect, is rendered null by continual weeping.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “They seemed to forget that the increase of known truths stimulates the investigation, establishment and growth of the arts; not their destruction.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “And, believe me, if I were again beginning my studies, I should follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments and demonstrations.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “To our natural and human reason, I say that these terms ‘large,’ ‘small,’ ‘immense,’ ‘minute,’ etc. are not absolute but relative; the same thing in comparison with various others may be called at one time ‘immense’ and at another ‘imperceptible.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “In the future, there will be opened a gateway and a road to a large and excellent science into which minds more piercing than mine shall penetrate to recesses still deeper.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “The sun with all the planets around it, and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as though it had nothing else in the Universe to do.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Surely it is a great thing to increase the numerous host of fixed stars previously visible to the unaided vision, adding countless more which have never before been seen, exposing these plainly to the eye in numbers ten times exceeding the old and familiar stars.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “To apply oneself to great inventions, starting from the smallest beginnings, is no task for ordinary minds; to divine those wonderful arts lie hid behind trivial and childish things is a conception for superhuman talents.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “If the Earth were not subject to any change, I would consider the Earth a big but useless body in universe, paralyzed…superfluous and unnatural. Those who so exalt incorruptibility, unchangeability and the like, are, I think, reduced to saying such things both because of inordinate desire they have to live for a long time and because of the terror they have of death…they do not realize that if men were immortal, they would have never come into the world.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “There is not a single effect in Nature, not even the least that exists, such that the most ingenious theorists can ever arrive at a complete understanding of it. This vain presumption of understanding everything can have no other basis than never understanding anything. For anyone who had experienced just once the perfect understanding of one single thing, and had truly tasted how knowledge is attained, would recognize that of the infinity of other truths he understands nothing.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I think that tastes, odors, colors, and so on . . . reside in consciousness. Hence if the living creature were removed, all these qualities would be wiped away and annihilated.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “I see that you have hitherto been one of that herd who, in order to learn how matters such as this take place, and in order to acquire a knowledge of natural effects, do not exhaust themselves in waking and studying, and mortify themselves with experiments and observations, but retire into their studies and glance through an index and a table of contents to see whether Aristotle has said any thing about them; and, being assured of the true sense of his text, consider that nothing else can be known.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “The fear of infinity is a form of myopia that destroys the possibility of seeing the actual infinite, even though it in its highest form has created and sustains us.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “My dear Kepler, I wish that we might laugh at the stupidity of the human herd. What do you have to say about the principal philosophers of this academy who are filled with the stubbornness of an asp and do not want to look at either the planets, the moon or the telescope, even though I have freely and deliberately offered them the opportunity a thousand times? Truly, just as the asp stops its ears, so do these philosophers shut their eyes to the light of truth.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “It is a beautiful and delightful sight to behold the body of the Moon.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Wine is sunlight, held together by water.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “There are those who reason well, but they are greatly outnumbered by those who reason badly.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgment upon anything new.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “With regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “See now the power of truth; the same experiment which at first glance seemed to show one thing, when more carefully examined, assures us of the contrary.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Names and attributes must be accommodated to the essence of things, and not the essence to the names, since things come first and names afterwards.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.” ― Galileo Galilei.
Galileo Galilei Quotes in Other Languages(Latin)
- “Eppur si muove.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Toda verdad es fácil de comprender una vez que ha sido descubierta, el problema es descubrirla” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Man kann einen Menschen nichts lehren. Man kann ihm nur helfen, es in sich selbst zu finden!” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Die Neugier steht immer an erster Stelle eines Problems, das gelöst werden will.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Не се чувствам длъжен да вярвам, че Господ, който ни е надарил с чувства и разум, е възнамерявал да забравим за тях.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Dites-nous comment on va au ciel, et laissez-nous vous dire comment “va” le ciel.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “La mayor sabiduría que existe es conocerse a uno mismo.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “La matematica è l’alfabeto nel quale Dio ha scritto l’universo.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Gustavo Solivellas dice: “La verdadera libertad consiste en el dominio absoluto de sí mismo” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “No se puede arrancar una flor sin molestar a una estrella.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “La Sagrada Escritura y la naturaleza proceden ambas del Verbo Divino, pero en tanto que la palabra de Dios ha debido adaptarse al limitado entendimiento de los hombres a los cuales se dirigía, la naturaleza es inexorable e inmutable y que no se cuida de sus recónditas razones sea o no comprendidas por los hombres.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Chúng ta không thể dạy bảo ai bất cứ điều gì. Chúng ta chỉ có thể giúp họ phát hiện ra những gì còn tiềm ẩn bên trong con người họ.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “Ma sopra tutte le invenzioni stupende, qual eminenza di mente fu quella di colui che s’immaginò di trovar modo di comunicare i suoi più reconditi pensieri a qualsivoglia altra persona, benché distante per lunghissimo intervallo di luogo e di tempo? parlare con quelli che son nell’Indie, parlare a quelli che non sono ancora nati né saranno se non di qua a mille e dieci mila anni? e con qual facilità? con i vari accozzamenti di venti caratteruzzi sopra una carta. Sia questo il sigillo di tutte le ammirande invenzioni umane, e la chiusa de’ nostri ragionamenti di questo giorno: ed essendo passate le ore più calde, il signor Salviati penso io che avrà gusto di andare a godere de i nostri freschi in barca; e domani vi starò attendendo amendue per continuare i discorsi cominciati, etc.” ― Galileo Galilei.
- “[…] non è effetto alcuna in natura, per minimo che e’ sia, all’intera cognizion del quale possano arrivare i piú specolativi ingegni. Questa cosí vana prosunzione d’intendere il tutto non può aver principio da altro che dal non avere inteso mai nulla, perché, quando altri avesse esperimentato una volta sola a intender perfettamente una sola cosa ed avesse gustato veramente come è fatto il sapere, conoscerebbe come dell’infinità dell’altre conclusioni niuna ne intende.” ― Galileo Galilei.
Hope You are inspired by his sayings and wisdom. Please do share your thoughts and please let me know if there are any more of his quotes I didn’t cover.
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