We at hobby sprout when through the works of some of the most influential journal writers online and their stories and we noticed some common unique traits among them.
The ideas they expressed are powerful, but what makes them unique are the specific traits they developed that make that keep them glued to the art of journaling.
Most people journal for a day or two and quickly fall out of the habit.
So, in this article, we will explore 13 common traits of successful journal writers that you can incorporate into your journaling practice.
Characteristics Of Remarkable Journal Writers
These writers maintained a consistent journaling practice, often writing every day or on a regular schedule.
By consistently writing their thoughts, they become better and clearer thinkers. That equated to their great successes in life. An example of such a person is Virginia Wolf who wrote several novels and short stories from the ideas she developed during the journaling process.
However, when learning this principle, be careful not to overdo it.
Best to start small and build up from there.
They were honest with themselves in their writing, often delving into their deepest thoughts and emotions. They don’t live any piece of information out.
Essentially, they are straight forward with how they think which is they key to changing your thought patterns.
Many of these writers were highly observant and paid attention to the details of their experiences, which they captured in their journals.
They write as if it is the last thing they will ever do. They try to get every out into the physical world so they can edit and change their thinking patterns.
So, by specificity and details to their writing, they add more meaning to what they are writing about.
Successful journal writers go through the pains of thinking through their ideas and experiences and also extract meaning and lessons from them.
Great journal writers take ample time to check their observations and experiences to ensure they are an accurate picture of reality.
These writers often used their journals as a space for creativity and experimentation, whether through writing exercises or artistic expression.
They were curious about the world and sought to learn from their experiences and surroundings. They find the meaning of life and therefore seek information wherever it might be. This is evident in the saying ” Curiosity forces a winter to go out there and find new creative ideas”.
And in this case, if you are curious to know who you are and how you behave, you will continually explore your innermost desires.
Some of these writers overcame significant setbacks in order to maintain their journaling practice Examples are illness, monetary problems, and other dire difficult living conditions.
One thing you will notice from the published works of successful journal writers is that they are conscious of their own values, beliefs, thoughts, and values.
These writers were courageous in their writing, exploring difficult topics or sharing personal experiences that they may have been hesitant to share with others.
Every successful journal writer has an open mind—receptive to diverse ideas and thoughts. What separates them from the rest is that they always seek new ideas and rethink their worldview.
Being passionate is one of the traits of successful journal writers. If you fail to attach a sense of affection for the task at hand, it becomes almost impossible to explore even a single idea.
Great authors like J.K Rowling and Stephen King have intense zeal to keep forging on when they don’t even feel the need to write.
They were humble about their writing, recognizing that there is always more to learn and explore through their journaling practice.
These writers viewed their journaling practice as a way to grow and develop as individuals, constantly seeking new insights and experiences through their writing.
You should now have a set of principles to help you forge on with your journaling practice.
For more ideas on the general topic of journaling check below for more related topics.
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