Journaling is one of the best therapeutic tools available to the human race for improving your thinking and consequently your well-being.
But there are many forms and ways of putting your ideas down in a journal.
In this article, we have outlined 13 types of journaling methods that you can choose from.
Gratitude Journaling
Do you want to feel more grateful for what you have? It could be your family, your physical possessions, or even your physical and mental state.
Start by listing five – ten things you are grateful for. Do this consistently and you be amazed at the mental changes you will experience.
Creative journal
Creativity is an essential skill both in life and business.
Start the process of writing at least 15 minutes a day and let your thoughts flow in any direction. You will start developing the ability to bring forth creative ideas effortlessly.
Reflective Journaling
A life without reflection is not worth living.
Journaling reflectively is one of the best ways to start noticing your thought patterns on a daily basis. You will start to know how you think about different topics – people, events, and ideas.
Dream diary
Dreams are regarded as elusive to many people even to scientists. If you find yourself consistently having dreams, you should start keeping track of what you dream on a daily basis.
As you start doing so, you start understanding your dreams more.
Just have a dream journal. Any time you experience a dream record it in your dream journal.
Travel Journaling
Traveling is a great hobby to have but it can become interesting if you start keeping a record of your experiences.
The people you meet, the events you attended, and the many foods and treats you ate during your travels.
Bullet Journal
A bullet journal is a strategy employed by most beginners. It involves putting your thoughts in a point-by-point manner. If you want to put down your thoughts in a list form, then a bulleting technique is the best technique you can use to journal.
Food Journaling
You don’t need to be a chef before you can keep a food journal.
It could be a way of keeping track of what you eat on a daily basis. Many people keep a food journal to collect all the wonderful recipes out there that they would one day want to prepare.
You can find sources for your food journal with nutrition sites or Youtube channels like Tasty.
Meditation Journaling
Starting a meditation journal will help you unlock infinite possibilities for your mind.
Your mind will experience calm. Stress is alleviated and the likelihood of heart-related diseases like stroke is greatly reduced.
Starting goes like this:
- Sit down for a short five–ten minutes meditation.
- Pay attention to your thoughts with judgment.
- After the session, start putting down your thoughts and expanding on the reasons behind them.
Morning Pages
This technique is best suited for morning people. The first thing you do in the morning is to explore your thinking and symbolize your thoughts before anything else.
If done well, it clears your mind for the rest of the day.
Video Journaling
Not everybody is fond of using words to express their ideas. If you fall into this category, then journaling using video will work wonders for you.
You might even decide to upload your video journals on YouTube and possibly make money from your ideas.
You don’t need any expensive gear to start. Either use your phone or webcam and you can start right now.
List Journaling
Listicles are some of the best and easiest of writing.
Choose any topic and make a list of five or ten based on the angle you prefer to explore.
For instance, let’s choose skills. Here is a list of the most life-changing skills you can ever acquire:
- Programming
- Video Editing
- Marketing etc. and many more
This list can go on and on.
The list could be about anything topic. Choose topics that are both healing and therapeutic.
Art Journaling
Are you aware of the art of sketch note-taking? It is a visual way of keeping notes from what you read or listen to.
When journaling also, you can employ visuals like images, colors, and icons which can reduce the friction involved in writing sentences and paragraphs.
Structured Journaling
The word “structure” has a connotation of rigidity to it.
This type of journaling involves having one specific focus. There is no freedom to freely explore. You need to follow the structure of the goal or topic at hand.
Prompts are also effective tools to use when practicing structured journaling.
When you write the prompt, you need to follow the constraints as closely as possible.
How to Start Journaling
If these ideas have sparked your interest to learn how to journal, then we are here for you. Ensure you have the essentials – Pen, colored pencils, and a journal.
Try any of these techniques and see which one works for you.
Stay consistent and remain disciplined.