Billy Graham Quotes
Billy Graham born on November 7, 1918, and died on February 21, 2018, was an American Evangelist and renowned Christian figure and a founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He was popularly known for his preachings against racial discrimination and thus respected Martin Luther King Jr… He held sermons and huge crusades to preach the Bible and has shaped the worldview of many people to love one another no matter where they come from whether black or white.
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Billy Graham Quotes About Life And Wisdom
- “I never hold a grudge.” ― Billy Graham
- “I’ve read the last page of the bible. It’s all going to turn out alright.” ― Billy Graham
- “I know that soon my life will be over. I thank God for it, and for all He has given me in this life…But I look forward to Heaven.” ― Billy Graham
- No one can outrun death. It will catch up to all of us eventually. ― Billy Graham
- “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” ― Billy Graham
- “My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.” ― Billy Graham
- “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” ― Billy Graham
- “God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.” ― Billy Graham
- “Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love.” ― Billy Graham
- “Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.” ― Billy Graham
- “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.” ― Billy Graham
- “When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice.” ― Billy Graham (Billy Graham Quotes On Aging)
- “Racial prejudice, anti-Semitism, or hatred of anyone with different beliefs has no place in the human mind or heart.” ― Billy Graham
- “The word ‘romance,’ according to the dictionary, means excitement, adventure, and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime.” ― Billy Graham
- “The great question of our time is, ‘Will we be motivated by materialistic philosophy or by spiritual power?'”― Billy Graham
- “I think it is a sin to look at another person as inferior to yourself because of race or because of ethnic background, and I think the greatest thing to do is to pray that God will give you love for them, and I do.” ― Billy Graham
- “Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.” ― Billy Graham
Billy Graham Quotes On Hope
- “Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ.” ― Billy Graham
- “Earth’s troubles fade in the light of heaven’s hope.” ― Billy Graham
- “Perhaps the greatest psychological, spiritual, and medical need that all people have is the need for hope.” ― Billy Graham
- “My hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. ― Billy Graham
Billi Graham Quotes On Love
- “’When you truly love someone, you want to please and honor them by the way you act. How you treat someone shows whether or not you really care about them.” ― Billy Graham
- “When Christ’s love fills our hearts, it puts selfishness on the run.” ― Billy Graham
- “’God is love’ means that He tries constantly to block your route to destruction.” ― Billy Graham
- “God is saying from the cross, ‘I love you! I love you! I love you!’” ― Billy Graham
- “True love is an act of the will – a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.” ― Billy Graham
- “Scripture makes it clear that our first love is always to be for our Lord.” ― Billy Graham
- “The mystery of God’s love would not be a mystery if we knew all the answers.” ― Billy Graham
- “I suppose the most misused word in all the English language is the word ‘Love.’ But, you know, the whole Bible is a love story; God’s love affair with the human race.” ― Billy Graham
- “I want you to know tonight one thing: God loves you. No matter how you’ve lived and no matter what the color of your skin; no matter what your racial background, no matter what language you speak – God loves you!” ― Billy Graham
- “God’s love is unchangeable; He knows exactly what we are and loves us anyway.” ― Billy Graham
Billy Graham Quotes On Money
- There are things which money cannot buy; which no music can bring; which no social position can claim; which no personal influence can assure; and which no eloquence can command. ― Billy Graham
- God does not need our money. He owns everything, including “our” money. What He wants [us] to discover is where our central focus of worship lies. Is that focus on God or our money? ― Billy Graham
- Part of our problem with debt is that we have confused needs with wants. Yesterday’s luxuries are today’s necessities. ― Billy Graham
- We can possess nothing—no property and no person…It is God who owns everything, and we are but stewards of His property during the brief time we are on earth. ― Billy Graham
- Money represents your time, your energy, your talents, your total personality converted into currency. We usually hold on to it tenaciously, yet it is uncertain in value and we cannot take it into the next world. ― Billy Graham
- Tell me what you think about money, and I will tell you what you think about God, for these two are closely related. A man’s heart is closer to his wallet than anything else. ― Billy Graham
- There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men. ― Billy Graham
- The Bible warns that money cannot buy happiness! Money cannot buy true pleasure. Money cannot buy peace of heart. And money certainly cannot buy entrance into the kingdom of God. ― Billy Graham
- There are two ways of being rich—have a lot, or want very little. The latter way is the easier for most. ― Billy Graham
- Pleasure depends on circumstances, but Christian joy is completely independent of health, money, and surroundings. ― Billy Graham
Billy Graham Quotes On Character
- God never directs in a way contrary to His character. When the Scripture tell us that He will direct our paths, we can be assured that when He is in control, no matter how thorny the path, He will not tell us to jump of a cliff. ― Billy Graham
- It is unfair to attribute virtues beyond a person’s true character. ― Billy Graham
- In character-building and in living the Christian life, concentration is important. The [person] who has a general interest in everything usually isn’t too good at anything. ― Billy Graham
- Consistency, constancy, and undeviating diligence to maintain Christian character are a must if the older generation is to command respect, or even a hearing, from the young. ― Billy Graham
- A godlikeness of character is the Christian’s proper heritage in this earthly walk. ― Billy Graham
- One of the real tests of Christian character is to be found in the lives we live from day to day. ― Billy Graham
- A few years ago, honesty was a hallmark of a man of good character. But it’s been set aside for an “It’s all right if you don’t get caught” philosophy. ― Billy Graham
- Trials and difficulties may assail the life of a believer, but they also have the ability to remold his character and banish from his life those impurities which might impair growth and service. ― Billy Graham
- A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and so it our character. ― Billy Graham
- True greatness is not measured by the headlines a person commands or the wealth he or she accumulates. The inner character of a person—the undergirding moral and spiritual values and commitments—is the true measure of lasting greatness. ― Billy Graham
Billy Graham Quotes On Patience
- “Patience includes perseverance – the ability to bear up under weariness, strain, and persecution when doing the work of the Lord.” ― Billy Graham
- “Patience in our lives springs from God’s power based upon our willingness to learn it.” ― Billy Graham
- “Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and being persistent. At the end of construction—death—we have completed the process.” ― Billy Graham
- “It is the regular exercise of patience and long-suffering in the small day-to-day frustrations and irritations which prepares us to endure when the great battles come.” ― Billy Graham
- “Patience . . . speaks of a person’s steadfastness under provocation . . . enduring ill-treatment without anger or thought of retaliation or revenge.” ― Billy Graham
- “Our lives are to be characterized by patience, for it is important in developing the mature, stable character which God wants to produce in His people.” ― Billy Graham
- “Patience is the transcendent radiance of a loving and tender heart which, in its dealings with those around it, looks kindly and graciously upon them.” ― Billy Graham
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