Dorothea Lange Quotes
Dorothea Lange was An American Photography who popularized documentary photography during the Great Depression.
She was born on born May 26, 1895, in New Jersey and died on October 11, 1965, in San Francisco, California. Some of her most famous portraits is Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California (1936) which now hangs in the Library of Congress.
Here are some of Dorothea Lange’s Best and Most Famous quotes about photography And Life.
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Famous Dorothea Lange Quotes
- A camera teaches you how to see without a camera. ― Dorothea Lange
- The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. ― Dorothea Lange
- Seeing is more than a physiological phenomenon… We see not only with our eyes but with all that we are and all that our culture is. The artist is a professional see-er. ― Dorothea Lange
- While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. ― Dorothea Lange
- It is not enough to photograph the obviously picturesque. ― Dorothea Lange
- The people who are garrulous and wear their heart on their sleeve and tell you everything, that’s one kind of person, but the fellow who’s hiding behind a tree and hoping you don’t see him is the fellow that you’d better find out why. ― Dorothea Lange
- A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera. ― Dorothea Lange
- Pick a theme and work it to exhaustion… the subject must be something you truly love or truly hate. ― Dorothea Lange
- I many times encountered courage, real courage. Undeniable courage. I’ve heard it said that that was the highest quality of the human animal. I encountered that many times, in unexpected places. And I have learned to recognize it when I see it. ― Dorothea Lange
- One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you’d be stricken blind. ― Dorothea Lange
- I believe in living with the camera, and not using the camera. ― Dorothea Lange
- To know ahead of time what you’re looking for means you’re then only photographing your own preconceptions, which is very limiting, and often false. ― Dorothea Lange
- A documentary photograph is not a factual photograph. ― Dorothea Lange
- I believe that what we call beautiful is generally a by-product. ― Dorothea Lange
- The visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable. ― Dorothea Lange
- No country has ever closely scrutinized itself visually. ― Dorothea Lange
- “We know by now how to photograph poor people. What we don’t know is how to photograph affluence – whose other face is poverty.” ― Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange Quotes About Photography
- “Put your camera around your neck along with putting on your shoes, and there it is, an appendage of the body that shares your life with you.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “The good photograph is not the object, the consequences of the photograph are the objects.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “Photographers stop photographing a subject too soon before they have exhausted the possibilities.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “My own approach is based upon three considerations. First – hands off! Whenever I photograph I do not molest or tamper with or arrange. Second – a sense of place. I try to picture as part of its surroundings, as having roots. Third – a sense of time.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “So turning, we in our work can speak more than of our subject – we can speak with them; we can more than speak about our subjects – we can speak for them. They, given tongue, will be able to speak with and for us.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “The documentary photograph carries with it another thing, a quality in the subject that the artist responds to. It is a photograph which carries the full meaning of the episode or the circumstance or the situation that can only be revealed.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “That frame of mind that you need to make fine pictures of a very wonderful subject, you cannot do it by not being lost yourself.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “It is no accident that the photographer becomes a photographer any more than the lion tamer becomes a lion tamer.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “The best way to go into an unknown territory is to go in ignorant, ignorant as possible, with your mind wide open, as wide open as possible and not having to meet anyone else’s requirement but your own.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “I realize more and more what it takes to be a really good photographer. You go in over your head, not just up to your neck.” – ‘The Photographs Of Dorothea Lange’. ― Dorothea Lange
- “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “You know there are moments such as these when time stands still and all you do is hold your breath and hope it will wait for you.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “It came to me that what I had to do was to take pictures and concentrate on people, only people, all kinds of people, people who paid me and people who didn’t.” ― Dorothea Lange
Inspirational Dorothea Lange Quotes About Life
- “Life, for people, begins to crumble on the edges; they don’t realize it.” – ‘Dorothea Lange: Farm Security Administration Photographs, 1935-1939: From The Library Of Congress’. ― Dorothea Lange
- “The words that come direct from the people are the greatest… If you substitute one out of your own vocabulary, it disappears before your eyes.” – ‘― Dorothea Lange
- “The contemplation of things as they are, without error of confusion, without substitution or imposture, is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of invention.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “To me, beauty appears when one feels deeply, and art is an act of total attention.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “You go into a room and you know where you’re welcome; you know where you’re unwelcome.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “Surefire things are deadening to the human spirit.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “Artists are controlled by the life that beats in them, like the ocean beats on the shore.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “Bring the viewer to your side, include him in your thought. He is not a bystander. You have the power to increase his perceptions and conceptions.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “I trust my instincts. I don’t distrust them. They haven’t led me astray. It’s when I’ve made up my mind to be efficient that is when I have gone wrong.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “I think we conjure up and invent people, and then whoever happens to be there is the recipient of our imagination. A good deal of the attraction between people, I think, is based on the fact that one is able to absorb the creation.” ― Dorothea Lange
- “I would like to see photographers become responsible and photography realize its potential.” ― Dorothea Lange